
Inherits: BaseButton < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: OptionButton, ColorPickerButton, CheckButton, MenuButton, ToolButton, CheckBox

Category: Core

Brief Description

Standard themed Button.

Member Variables

  • TextAlign align - Text alignment policy for the button’s text, use one of the ALIGN_* constants.
  • bool clip_text - When this property is enabled, text that is too large to fit the button is clipped, when disabled the Button will always be wide enough to hold the text. This property is disabled by default.
  • bool flat - Flat buttons don’t display decoration.
  • Texture icon - Button’s icon, if text is present the icon will be placed before the text.
  • String text - The button’s text that will be displayed inside the button’s area.


enum TextAlign

  • ALIGN_LEFT = 0 — Align the text to the left.
  • ALIGN_CENTER = 1 — Align the text to the center.
  • ALIGN_RIGHT = 2 — Align the text to the right.


Button is the standard themed button. It can contain text and an icon, and will display them according to the current Theme.